The benefits of firming body lotion

The Benefits of Firming Body Lotion

Over time, skin can lose its firmness and elasticity if it is not properly cared for. Find out how to get soft, supple looking skin with these lifestyle tips and body lotions.

Getting to know your skin with firming body lotion

As we age, our skin changes. Find out how to adapt your skincare routine and how to tone your skin to keep it soft and supple.

The science of aging

Throughout our life, our skin type is likely to change. You may go from combination skin in your twenties to dry skin in your forties. 


What makes skin dry as we age? For a start, our bodies produce less of the natural oils that moisturise our skin. The cells also renew more slowly than they did when we were younger. Damage from exposure to the sun without wearing sunscreen can also have an impact on the appearance and firmness of our skin.


But all is not lost. Altering your skincare routine and products to suit dryer skin that needs more care can make all the difference. Intensely moisturising creams like NIVEA Firming Body Lotion Q10 Plus help to maintain soft, supple skin

What does aging skin need?

The key to healthy-looking skin is moisture and firmness. As we age, the amount of coenzyme Q10, the component in the skin that keeps it firm, starts to decrease. Body moisturisers with Q10 give your skin a helping hand to keep skin soft and supple.

Tone your skin with 5 changes to your lifestyle


Your skin can always benefit from hydration, whether in the form of a moisturiser or drinking water to nourish from within. Choosing water over caffeinated or sugary drinks not only looks after your waistline and health of your skin, it also helps it look smooth and soft.

More exercise

Exercise is not just about dropping a dress size or toning problem areas. Whether you go to gym or sweat it out on yoga mat, including exercise in your routine will increase collagen production and blood flow. These both help tone your skin and keep it smooth and radiant.

Quit smoking

It may not be easy to quit smoking but doing so could make you look years younger. Smoking breaks down the elastin in skin, responsible for keeping everything toned. Cigarettes also deprive your skin of oxygen and nutrients, both of which you need for soft, supple skin.

Wear sunscreen

Skin damage as a result of exposure to the sun without sunscreen is one of the biggest causes of aging skin. When your skin has no protection from UV rays, body’s natural collagen and elastin gets broken down. These two elements are what keep your skin firm and toned.

Embrace a healthy diet

As with exercise, adopting a healthy diet is about more than keeping trim. A good diet shows in your face and results in soft, supple-looking skin. On the other hand, sugary foods make your insulin levels rise. This breaks down the body’s collagen and elastin, causing wrinkles and flabby skin.

How to get supple looking skin with firming body lotion

Even with all the exercise in the world, our skin sometimes needs a helping hand. Discover the benefits of body lotion for aging skin.

What is so special about the NIVEA Q10 Plus formula?

The NIVEA Q10 Plus formula works with your skin to help improve its appearance. NIVEA Firming Body Lotion Q10 Plus not only relieves dry skin in one gentle massage, it also helps replenish the skin’s moisture barrier which improves firmness. 

The formula’s key ingredients are carnitine, coenzyme Q10 and creatine.

These ingredients help to replenish the skin’s moisture barrier to keep your skin looking plump and firm, no matter what your age! 
